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G2 Ponies

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Name Blue Pearl
Year of issue 2002
Family Magic Fantasy Hair Ponies
Species Earth Pony
Gender Female
Colour of body Blue
Colour of manes Purple/pink
Colour of tail Pink
Symbol Branch with three leaves (purple)
Three dots (purple)
Colour of eyes Purple
Colour of diamond Pink
Year on hoof 1997
Land on hoof China
Year on package 2000
Accessories - Kam met strik (blauw)
- Kralenzetter (roze/geel) met hartjessticker met een pony middenin een regenboog en twee wolkjes
- Vier kralen (roze)
- Vier kralen (paars)
- Vier kralen (blauw)
Variant(s) - 1997 Magic Motion Friends : Ivy (I)
- 1997 Playset Ponies : Ivy (Spain)
- 1998 Playset Ponies : Ivy (II)
- 1998 Sunny Garden Friends : Friendship Flowers with Sweet Berry (II) and "Ivy (III)"
- 1999 Princess Friends : Princess Ivy (IV)
- 2000 Magic Light Up Families : "Ivy (V)" and Baby Fern
- 2000 Secret Surprise Friends : Ivy (VI)