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G3 Playsets

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Name Butterfly Island Adventure
Dutch name Avontuur op Vlindereiland
Corresponding pony Baby Honolu-Loo
Year of issue 2005
Description Butterfly Island is a butterfly-shaped island with sand, grass and water.
On the isle there is a lot to do.
On the big butterfly, above the rainbow and waterfall, there are big stems.
Attached are two wing-clips on which the ponies can hang. When you press the pink flower on the belly of the butterfly, the ponies spin round and round.
When you put a pony with her magnetic hoof on the heart on the cloud of the rainbow, pink butterflies will bring her up.
When you press the heart you will hear merry music.
Put the pony on the pink boogieboard and her slide down the waterfall.
In the water, by the dolphins, is a green boogieboard on which you can put a pony on; when you turn the wheel under the water, the dolphins start jumping.
The ponies can have a picnic on the grass, under the palmtree.
On Butterfly Island is also an orange bar with two smoothies. When you put a pony with her magnetic hoof on the heart, you can see the pony really drinking the smoothie.
There is also a beach where the ponies can build a sandcastle or where they can relax in the sun.
Accessories - Baby Pony “Honolu-loo”
- Brush with bow (pink)
- Skirt (green)
- Snorkel mask (transparent blue)
- Four flippers (transparent blue)
- Shovel (yellow)
- Sand pail (orange)
- Sandcastle mould (purple)
- Sandcastle (yellow)
- Spinning clothes rack (yellow/green/pink)
- Stickersheet with stickers to decorate Butterfly Island
Remark In the USA this playset was also issued with bonus ponies. In fall 2005 the playset was issued with bonus pony “Anchors Away”, exclusive with this playset and only available at Costco.