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G1 Playsets

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Name Dream Castle
Dutch name Droomkasteel
Corresponding pony Majesty
Year of issue 1985
Description The castle is pink, has three towers with blue roofs and a pink/white flag on it. The floor is purple and the walking part is white. The castle has a blue drawing bridge and a yellow elevator for “Spike”, the dragon.
Accessories - Pony "Majesty"
- Dragon "Spike" (purple/white/green)
- Brush with star (yellow)
- Throne (blue) with blanket (pink)
- Tiara (yellow)
- Princess hat (blue) with ribbons (purple)
- Mirror (blue)
- Two jumping hoops (yellow)
- Table (yellow)
- Two glasses (transparent blue)
- Treasure chest (blue)
- Shoes rack (blue)
- Shoes (yellow)
- Cape (purple)