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G2 Ponies

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Name White Pearl
Year of issue 2002
Family Magic Fantasy Hair Ponies
Species Earth Pony
Gender Female
Colour of body White
Colour of manes Orange/deep pink
Colour of tail Orange/purple
Symbol Big heart (white/pink)
Three little hearts (one orange; two pink)
Five dots (three orange; two pink)
Colour of eyes Purple
Colour of diamond Pink
Year on hoof 1997
Land on hoof China
Year on package 2000
Accessories - Kam met strik (wit)
- Kralenzetter (roze/geel) met hartjessticker met een pony middenin een regenboog en twee wolkjes
- Vier kralen (roze)
- Vier kralen (paars)
- Vier kralen (blauw)
Variant(s) - 1997 Playset Ponies : Light Heart (I)
- 1998 Sunny Garden Friends : Birthday Wishes with "Light Heart (II)" and Sunsparkle (II)
- 1999 Royal Ladies : "Lady Light Heart (III)" with Magic Mirror
- 2000 Magic Motion Families : "Light Heart (IV)" & Baby Tickle Heart
- 2001 Changing Mane and Tail Ponies : Lightheart (V)
- 2001 Playset Ponies : Light Heart (VI)