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G2 Ponies

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Name Queen Sun Sparkle (III)
Playset Enchanted Throne with Queen Sun Sparkle
Year of issue 1999
Family Playset Ponies
Species Earth Pony
Gender Female
Colour of body Transparent purple with purple glitters
Colour of manes Purple/yellow with gold tinsels
Colour of tail Purple with gold tinsels
Symbol Sun (yellow)
Colour of eyes Blue
Colour of diamond White
Year on hoof n/a
Land on hoof China
Year on package 1998
Variant(s) - 1997 Magic Motion Friends : Sun Sparkle (I)
- 1998 Sunny Garden Friends : Birthday Wishes with Light Heart (II) and "Sunsparkle (II)"
- 1999 Playset Ponies : Sun Sparkle (IV)
- 2000 Magic Motion Families : "Sun Sparkle (V)" & Baby Sunbeam
- 2001 Changing Mane and Tail Ponies : Sun Sparkle (VI)
- 2002 Playset Ponies : Holiday at the Sea