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G2 Ponies

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Name Morning Glory (I)
Year of issue 1997
Family Secret Surprise Friends
Species Earth Pony
Gender Female
Colour of body Pink
Colour of manes Purple
Colour of tail Purple
Symbol Four flowers (blue)
Three leaves (blue)
Colour of eyes Blue
Colour of diamond Purple
Year on hoof 1997
Land on hoof China
Year on package 1997
Accessories - Comb with flower (turquoise)
- Backpack (yellow/green/white) with two ribbons (yellow/blue/pink)
Variant(s) - 1999 Playset Ponies : Princess Morning Glory (II)
- 1999 Princess Friends : Princess Morning Glory (III)
- 1999 Royal Wedding Ponies : Prince Clever Clover and "Princess Morning Glory"
- 2000 Magic Light Up Families : "Morning Glory (V)" and Baby Dew
- 2001 Romantic Ponies : "Princess Flora" & Prince Fauna
- 2002 Changing Mane and Tail Ponies : Flora