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G3 Ponies


Name Breezies Parade with Honeydew Hum, Meadow Moon, Azalea Bloom
Year of issue 2006
Family Breezies
Marks of family The Breezies are little ponies of approx. 3 cm width and approx. 6 cm high (the stems included) and have fabric wings. The Breezies live in "Breezies Blossom".
Species Pegasus
Gender Female
Year on package 2005
Accessories - Comb with heart (purple)
- Three tiaras with flowers (one pink; one purple; one blue)
- Three petal cars (turquoise/white/green) with transparent flower (one pink; one purple; one blue) in which the breezies can stand
Remark - Petal cars can be attached to the Crystal Princess Carriages, which are sold seperately.
- The breezies all have an own page on MLP Land.